Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Recommended but not required!

Brandon calls me last Friday morning to report that he is not sure he will be driving anywhere for the weekend. For the mom of a 19 yo, that brings all sorts of wonderful thoughts to mind.

As I attempt to discover the rationale for this recent decision, he proceeds to tell me that he had an accident in his racquetball class. At this point, it could be important to point out a few facts:

1. In December 2007, Brandon had shoulder surgery to correct a labrum tear.
2. In Feburay 2008, Brandon's surgeon released him from the shoulder surgery to go on the school ski trip.
3. Brandon went on the school ski tip and made 1/2 of one run on the first day until I received a call from the mountain side clinic.
4. We flew Brandon home and a week later, he had surgery and a one night stay for a seriously broken collarbone.
5. A few years back, we vacationed as a family with our friends in Alaska. We arrived Saturday, spend most of Sunday at church with our friends. On Monday, David separated his shoulder while playing racquetball with our friend. He spent the entire week in a sling. Our snow activities were halted, and he could not help at all with the luggage, etc getting the family home from Alaska!

At this point, I'm at least happy that he hasn't wrecked his car, etc, but still no clue as to why he won't be able to drive. And then he says........

"I took a racquetball square in the eye!"

Me: "I guess you weren't wearing eye protection?"
B: "It is recommended but not required. Out of all the possible places on my body I could take a hit, what are the odds that I would get hit in the eye?"
Me: "Well, now you know." (Great Mom response, huh?)

This is what he looked like:

OUCH! As it turns out, he was okay to drive over the weekend, but he has had to answer a few questions!

Suppose he has learned a lesson and will be buying some goggles.....I suspect NOT!

1 comment:

JAMIE'S CREW said...

That REALLY looks painful! I am glad it wasn't anymore serious than that though.

Hard-headed boys!