Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Edition of "Get to Know Your Fellow Bloggers"

OK Ladies and Gents. It is the Christmas Edition of "Get to know your fellow Bloggers". How this works...I will answer the questions and then I will "Tag" a couple of my fellow bloggers for them to answer these questions on their blog. And then they will tag someone else, and so on and so on. So here we go.

1) Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper and handmade bows!
2) Real or Artificial tree? Artificial. When the boys were younger, we would cut a real tree.
3) When do you put your tree up? Early December.
4) When do you take your tree down? Shortly after New Year.
5) Do you like eggnog? NO!
6)Favorite gift received as a child? Baton wrapped in a long, tubular box decorated like a candy cane. My brother got a BB gun the same year and Mom decorated his long rectangular box like a toy soldier!
7) Hardest person to buy for? my nephews.
8) Easiest person to buy for? Mom, Mel and Jeanne.
9) Do you have a nativity scene? Yes.
10) Mail or e-mail Christmas Cards? Mail.
11) Worst Christmas gift you ever received? The gift was fine - a new lens from my camera from David our first Christmas. He forgot to bring it to the family gathering. Rushed home to get it, and gave it to me wrapped in toilet paper...and I still married him!
12) Favorite Christmas Movie? None really.
13) When do you start shopping for Christmas? late November.
14) Do you hang mistletoe? No
15) Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My dad's fudge.
16) Lights on tree? pre-lit tree with white/multiples colors. David likes multi. I like white.
17) Favorite Christmas Song? Away in a Manger
18) Travel at Christmas or stay home? both families live within 60 miles, so only short distance travel.
19) Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Only 7.
20) Angel or Star on top of tree? Angel
21) Open the presents Christmas Eve or Morning? Christmas Eve with David's family, Christmas Day with our sons and my family.
22) Most annoying thing about this time of year?So much of the time we no longer exchange gifts but rather gift cards....why don't we just get together, sing carols, eat junk food and pass on the exchanging of $$?
23) Favorite ornament theme or color? one solid color and either gold or silver.
24) Favorite for Christmas Dinner? Ham, baked potatoes, broccoli rice casserole, huge salad, beans of some variety, pies and cookies.
26) What do you want for Christmas this year? Good health for my family and all my friends.
26) Who do you Tag to answer these on their blog? Brad

1 comment:

JAMIE'S CREW said...

I rather agree on the gift card exchange! Don't get me started! LOL!

Thanks for playing along!